Laura Ewing, PhD
Selected Publications
September 2019
June 2018
"An intercultural analysis of social media advocacy in disaster response" Citizenship and Advocacy in Technical Communication: Scholarly and Pedagogical Perspectives
September 2014
"Practicing Intercultural Communication" Lumen Learning/OER Commons
September 2013
"Rhetorically Analyzing Online Composition Spaces" Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture
February 2012
Selected Projects
2020: American NPO
Created 5-course MOOC series for ESL students, primarily in international, majority world contexts. Course content consisted of original activities, lessons, presentations, and assessments covering grammar, communication style, business writing, and other topics to prepare students for higher education programs in English.
2018: American NPO
Evaluated and revised MOOC in English Composition. Developed content, course organization, and assessments for free educational online platform.
2017: American NPO
Developed white paper for multi-stakeholder audience including NPO and US military leadership. Paper detailed the goals of the NPO on the ground and forecast for the next year. project required research into NPO year-end results, volunteer engagement, and military MOU, as well as the ongoing relationship between stakeholders.
2017: International NGO
Conducted analysis of international educational program evaluation to produce report detailing program standards and benchmarks. Developed coding scheme for examining evaluations and creating new evaluative methods for training program.
2017: International NGO
Revised and developed training manual for youth peacebuilding activities in international contexts. Training manual was aimed at young people between the ages of 9 and 18 living in majority world nations. Manual successfully implemented in five countries, across three continents.
Works in Progress
Current Projects
CCCC's past call focused on "commonplace writing". I find this theme intriguing in light of international/intercultural writing. I'm currently examining how commonplace writing differs between American and International students in US contexts.
Please visit this link for my past and current syllabi, lessons, and projects.